The Sleep of Death (by Christopher Blackwood)
One of the greatest fears that most human beings have is death. None of us want to face death and many of us are afraid to die...
One of the greatest fears that most human beings have is death. None of us want to face death and many of us are afraid to die...
There is one great challenge that all of us human being has… Many of us find it really difficult to follow others…
As a Christian have you ever wondered if you are truly converted? For many of us Christians, this is not necessarily a question that we may have taken the time to try to answer...
"I will come again..." John 14:3 Life is full of uncertainty. It is fleeting...
I am sure that sometimes you wonder why you and other Christians experience such hardship. I am sure you wonder why some families in the church are broken and filled with so many issues.
Which person in the world do you want to please the MOST? Have you ever given thought to this question? I am sure if you should give thought to this question, the following people would come to mind.
Have you ever noticed how you can become really annoyed when you are being tested? Have you ever noticed how you can sometimes become angry when some test your patience?
All of us human beings love to get a gift - especially on our birthday. There is something about getting a gift that makes us feel special...
How long, O Lord, must I struggle and fight? This darkness is suffocating and I long to see light.
It feels like just yesterday that the new year began and yet it is already the last day of January. Just yesterday everyone was doing the usual thing that many of us do at the beginning of a new year: wishing each other every good blessing for the year to come, making resolutions, setting goals, making plans and looking forward to change.